What's New With SimpleRisk 20240603-001 Release
What's New With SimpleRisk 20240318-001 Release
What's New With SimpleRisk 20240315-001 Release
"How to Model Security Maturity in Your Organization" Webinar Recap
Check out this recap of the webinar, "How to Model Security Maturity in Your Organization," co-hosted by SimpleRisk and GRC 20/20. This webinar helped equip participants with a clear roadmap on how to establish a security maturity baseline within their own organizations, create a desired state of maturity, and identify where gaps exist in order to achieve their objectives.
What's New With SimpleRisk 20240205-001 Release
7 Strategies to Mature Your GRC Program
Check out this guest blog from Michael Rasmussen of GRC 20/20 to learn about seven strategies to mature your existing GRC program for enhanced efficiency and effectiveness.
What's New With SimpleRisk 20240102-001 Release
6 Ways to Create a Repeatable, Scalable Compliance Program
Check out this guest blog from Michael Rasmussen of GRC 20/20 to learn about six core elements required to craft compliance programs that meet current standards and are adaptable and scalable to meet future compliance challenges and opportunities.
What's New With SimpleRisk 20231103-001 Release
New SEC Cybersecurity Regulation – What to Know
The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) released its final rule on Cybersecurity Risk Management, Strategy, Governance, and Incident Disclosure, effective mid-December 2023. Check out this blog to learn what this ruling entails, how this new regulation may impact your organization, and what your organization needs to do ensure compliance.
What's New With SimpleRisk 20231006-001 Release
How to Keep Up with Regulatory Change
This guest blog by Michael Rasmussen of GRC 20/20 outlines how to define a process for regulatory change management and leverage the right technology to ensure your organization stays compliant.
What's New With SimpleRisk 20230331-001 Release
What's New With SimpleRisk 20230106-001 Release
Using the CIS Critical Security Controls with SimpleRisk
We are frequently asked about using the CIS Critical Security Controls in SimpleRisk. In this blog post you will learn about the different ways you can use their controls with our platform.
What's New With SimpleRisk 20221013-001 Release
What's New With SimpleRisk 20220909-001 Release
What's New With SimpleRisk 20220823-001 Release
What's New With SimpleRisk 20220701-001 Release
The Massive Benefits of Using a Common Control Framework with Your GRC Program
Struggling with managing compliance across multiple different control frameworks? Learn how a common control framework can help you to simplify your compliance, saving you time and money.
What's New With SimpleRisk 20220527-001 Release
What's new with the SimpleRisk 20220401-001 release?
What's new with the SimpleRisk 20220306-001 release?
What's new with the SimpleRisk 20220122-001 release?
Compliance 101: Back to Basics
Let’s go back to the basics and break down what enterprise compliance is and how you can use it to ensure your organization is conforming with its stated requirements.
What's new with the SimpleRisk 20211230-001 release?
What's new with the SimpleRisk 20211115-001 release?
What's new with the SimpleRisk 20211027-001 release?
What's new with the SimpleRisk 20211010-001 release?
These CISOs GRC is Failing Them And I Know Why
Today I attended a CISO roundtable where a number of the attendees talked about their GRC platforms that have taken over a year to "connect all the wires" and they're still in the process of implementing. I know why their GRCs are failing them and there is a better way.
What is GRC-as-a-Service?
SimpleRisk partners with various MSSP providers to give customers a one-stop "GRC-as-a-Service" offering. Learn more about how this works and whether the SimpleRisk GRCaaS platform may be a good fit for your organization.
What's new with the SimpleRisk 20210930-001 release?
What's new with the SimpleRisk 20210625-001, 20210630-001 and 20210713-001 releases?
How SimpleRisk Can Meet Your Custom GRC Requirements
What is the right way to do risk management? We hear this question fairly frequently on calls with prospects and my answer is always the same. There is no "right way" or "wrong way" to do risk management. There's only your way...
What's new with the SimpleRisk 20210305-001 release?
What's new with the SimpleRisk 20210121-001 release?
What's new with the SimpleRisk 20201123-001 release?
What's new with the SimpleRisk 20201106-001 release?
Simplifying the NIST Cybersecurity Framework with SimpleRisk
Learn how to use SimpleRisk's Import-Export and Risk Assessment Extras in order to efficiently use the NIST Cybersecurity Framework's controls to assess your organization's risks and perform a control gap analysis.
The SimpleRisk 20180104-001 Release and The Future Direction of SimpleRisk
What's new with the SimpleRisk 20200711-001 release?
What's new with the SimpleRisk 20201005-001 release?
SimpleRisk Stands Against Hate
At the end of June 2020, a civil rights coalition, which includes the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the NAACP, launched the #StopHateforProfit campaign. This campaign calls upon major corporations to put a pause on Facebook advertisements, citing the company's...
SimpleRisk Now Offering Complimentary Risk Management Program Consulting to Customers
As the Information Security Program Owner at National Instruments, a $1.4B global enterprise, I've spent the past ...
Pricing Integrity and Why We Won't Play the Pricing Games
Before starting SimpleRisk, I sat in the CISO chair, on the other side of the negotiating table. I learned the tricks ...
The Origin of SimpleRisk - A Founder's Story
Every comic book superhero has a story behind them describing how they overcame some form of adversity in ...